joi, 14 octombrie 2010

Things with no explination...


Does it have an explination? When something (most times) bad happen to people it is said "That's life"... Why is that? Why the need to blame life for something happened usually from people fault? The word "life" has no dictionary definition... not one for life as l"iving your life" or one for "proper living your life"... Life can be compared with different sayings in order to find a definition... "Life is a book of knowledge" or a book of how to achieve knowledge... "Life is a medley of reactions and emotions" or "Life is a mixture of movements and turns"... "Life is the garden of cultivated love and devotion"... "Life is a pact of survival between socialization and respect"...

The power of feeling-

How can you explain the power of feelings? The effect that feelings have on people, on their actions or on their whole life? Can you explain the power of love for instance? This above-ground feeling that makes you live a world of your own, a world in which all your goals have reached plenary... You feel more alieve in your life than anything else could ever try to replace this feeling... But... Why does this feeling which makes you powerful seems like a sign of weakness to others? Why is that? Why can't they feel happy for the simple fact that they see you glowing more than anyother moments of your life? It's like you always receive that same old sayings " That's not good for you.", "It's a bad sign." or "Be careful and cautious!". How can you explain this disharmony between the power that love gives to you and the sign of weakness that it is said to be? "Love is the need to get out of yourself."(and to light up the best part in us)... "To love means to transform, to be a poet." (a way to express yourself for the world to understand and not judge anymore)...."To love means to want, to see, to touch, to feel, with all your senses at once." (an above-ground feeling)... "To love means searching for half of the whole you used to be a part of. "(a part without you cannot live)...


The "to see" has many translations... To see- witness, observ, meditating, reflect... But what about the way of seeing things? That old mith of "two watching the same thing, but seeing two different things"... How is that to be explained? Many would say simple: "there are two different people, with different personalities, way of thinking and so on"... Why can't two see something as for what that something really is? For instance, two watch a third and see totally different "faces" of the third one...One may see something irrational heart-melting and the other may see another one between the thousand as itself... What's the explination?

2 comentarii:

  1. Good job!
    Am un singur sfat, si ti-ar prinde foarte bine daca l-ai urma: engleza ta e foarte buna, incearca doar sa nu mai traduci frazele in your head direct din romana in engleza, pt ca ordinea in fraza nu e aceeasi ca in limba noastra...

  2. Merci pentru compliment si pentru sfat... o sa incerc cat se poate de el.... :*
